Academic partners
RegMed XB aims to effectively use the knowledge available in the Academic Ecosystem to help de Moonshots progress to the Patient. To this end, RegMed XB works together with (inter)national top-rated academic institutions and work specifically and exclusively with the researchers that add specific expertise to the Moonshot. Currently, RegMed XB works with different universities and university medical centers. The scientists and clinicians involved in the program bring their expertise within their specific field into the research, which combined creates a big pool of knowledge. Through the collaboration, RegMed XB aims to bring solutions to patients quicker than any lone university.

Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)
The Eindhoven University of Technology is a young university, founded in 1956 by industry, local government, and academia. Today, their spirit of collaboration is still at the heart of the university community. They foster an open culture where everyone feels free to exchange ideas and take initiatives.
The Eindhoven University of Technology combines scientific curiosity with a hands-on mentality. Fundamental knowledge enables them to design solutions for the highly complex problems of today and tomorrow. They understand things by making them and TU/e makes things by understanding them.

University Ghent (UGent)
Ghent University is an internationally renowned, open, pluralistic and socially engaged university in Belgium. They have as credo 'Dare to Think'.
The University is more than 200 years old, offers more than 200 programmes (including 69 English-taught master's programmes) and conducts in-depth research within a wide range of scientific domains.

KU Leuven
KU Leuven is a research-intensive university, a setting for both fundamental and applied research, with a strong inter- and multidisciplinary background and a clear international orientation. They aim for research excellence, a contribution to societal and cultural debates, and the realization of a real knowledge society. Individual initiative, critical reflection, collaboration, solidarity, academic freedom, and diversity are key concepts in realizing these goals.

Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC)
(Dutch: Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum) LUMC is a modern university medical center for research, education, and patient care with a high-quality profile and a strong scientific orientation. Its unique research practice, ranging from pure fundamental medical research to applied clinical research, places LUMC among the world's top. Researchers at LUMC work together around 7 medical research profiles (MRP): Vascular and Regenerative Medicine; Immunity, Infection and Tolerance; Translational Neuroscience; Cancer Pathogenesis and Therapy; Ageing; Innovation in Health Strategy and Quality of Care; and Biomedical Imaging.
LUMC has collaborative research alliances with leading institutes and consortia around the world. In these alliances, inter-disciplinary and inter-sectoral approaches are used to address current scientific and societally-relevant issues. To find solutions to these complex societal challenges, LUMC is involved in research collaborations and alliances that ideally include non-academic representatives such as commercial enterprises and special interest groups in addition to classic academic research institutions.

Maastricht University (UM)
UM, multidisciplinary collaborations contribute to solving major societal issues within their primary research themes. They develop new methods to make plastics from organic materials, but also conduct research into migration, and look into methods to get more people interested in taking the necessary financial preparations for their retirement. Whenever possible, UM research is translated into economic, financial, or social value. UM participates in centers of excellence, both technological and social, to allow scientific discoveries to be swiftly converted into practical applications. What is more, research is integrated into education at every level.

Maastricht University Medical Center (MUMC)
(Dutch: Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum+) The Maastricht University Medical Centre+ is a joint venture between the Maastricht University Hospital and the Faculty of Health, Medicine & Life Sciences of Maastricht University.
Maastricht UMC+ distinguishes itself nationally and internationally by focusing not only on health recovery but also on health preservation and health promotion. Their core tasks - in addition to top referral and top clinical patient care - are scientific research, education and training, and valorization. Maastricht UMC+ also provides basic care for the city and its surroundings. As such, they are ideally equipped, in cooperation with network partners, to provide care from zero to the third line, thus providing the right care in the right place. But also to investigate the effects of new care models.

University of Antwerp
The University of Antwerp is a young, dynamic and forward-thinking university with a strong mission and vision. It occupies a special place within the university landscape in Flanders, and it integrates the assets of its historical roots with its ambition to contribute positively to society.
Mission and vision: Let’s define the future! This slogan is what drives UAntwerp to bring about positive change and take on challenges within society. Core tasks: The university performs its core tasks in a way that does justice to its position as a leading academic institution in Belgium and beyond. Lines of strength: In its teaching, research and services, UAntwerp follows a resolute course, guided by a number of distinctive lines of strength.

University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU)
UMC Utrecht consciously chooses to make the connection. Connection with patients, general practitioners, students, other hospitals, companies and institutions, and of course with fellow scientists. UMCU is part of a care chain. By conducting research together and providing care, UMC Utrecht is at the center of society. That is why they listen to these stakeholders and are open to cooperation. In the UMC Utrecht research is concentrated in six multidisciplinary programs with each a limited number of disease targets. Patient care is integrated into these programs. Interaction with patients and society creates an ‘innovation loop’ where societal issues guide scientific research and where scientific results quickly move from bench to bedside. They changed our incentive and reward system to better align it with the mission of connecting with patients and creating societal impact.

Utrecht University (UU)
(Dutch: Universiteit Utrecht) Utrecht University is an internationally prominent, research-led university that carries out fundamental and applied research across a wide range of academic fields, from infectious diseases to human rights and from climate research to cultural history.
The strength of the research carried out at Utrecht University lies in the way different disciplines are combined and the integrated approach to academic and social issues. With its chosen research themes of Sustainability, Life Sciences, Institutions, and Dynamics of Youth, the university contributes to solving issues such as climate change, infectious diseases, the aging population, social cohesion, and security.

Vlaams Instituut voor Biotechnologie (VIB)
VIB is an entrepreneurial non-profit research institute, with a clear focus on groundbreaking strategic basic research in life sciences and operates in close partnership with the five universities in Flanders – Ghent University, KU Leuven, University of Antwerp, Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Hasselt University.
VIB scientists study the molecular mechanisms that regulate the functions of the human body, plants, and microorganisms. Such mechanistic research leads to innovative insights into the normal and abnormal/pathological life processes, with the potential to use these insights to develop novel therapeutics, diagnostics, agricultural applications, and technologies. Thanks to the hard work of many people over almost 25 years and the support of sustained investment by the government of Flanders, VIB is widely recognized as an established and world-leading knowledge center in life sciences and biotechnology with an excellent reputation in technology transfer. The unique combination of strategic basic research and a clear focus on innovation & business is one of the major contributors to its success. VIB is highly committed to being the driving force behind the growth of the dynamic life sciences cluster in Flanders.

Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). For more than 50 years, they have been committed to providing solutions to the challenges of tomorrow. How do they achieve this? Through high-quality research, customised education and a strong social drive.
The University anchor in Brussels and Europe and work according to the principles of the Enlightenment: critical thinking, free enquiry, and humanism. That's our way of making the world a better place.