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Great step forward in the Dutch regenerative medicine field
12 Jun 2020


Great step forward in the Dutch regenerative medicine field

Great step forward in the Dutch regenerative medicine field

Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), one of RegMed XB’s founding partners, has recently announced the construction of the largest non-profit stem cell and gene therapy facility in the Netherlands, and one of the largest facilities in Europe: ‘NECSTGEN’, the Netherlands Centre for the Clinical advancement of Stem Cell and Gene Therapies.

In this facility, research will be conducted in the field of regenerative medicine, which focuses on restoring or replacing diseased cells, tissues, and organs. "Currently, patients with chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, kidney failure, or diabetes are being treated for years. This is intensive for the patient and costly for society. In the future, with regenerative medicine we will no longer have to do this: you can then treat patients with their own cells, with gene therapy or tissue manipulation”, explains Prof.dr. Ton Rabelink, Professor of Internal Medicine at the LUMC and the RegMed XB’s Kidney Moonshot Leader.

NECSTGEN will act as a hub to foster public-private interaction within the cell and gene therapy community, creating a network to link relevant stakeholders, therapy developers, service providers, government, regulators, and investors.

To learn more about NECSTGEN read the full article in English or in Dutch, or visit

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